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Vipah Fuckah!

Registrado: 20 Jul 2005
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MensajePublicado: Lun May 15, 2006 10:07 pm    Título del mensaje: Responder citando

En quien decian que estaba basado Sparrow??

On April 29, 2006, Richards suffered a head injury and concussion after falling 15ft from a coconut tree at a resort in the Fiji Islands. After initial treatment in Suva (the capital of Fiji) he was airlifted to a private hospital in Auckland, New Zealand. On May 3rd, it was reported that he is scheduled to have an operation to drain blood from his brain. Although an official Rolling Stones spokesperson announced on May 5th, the operation would not be needed, Richards was still in New Zealand under observation . She also confirmed the band would start their European tour as planned in May 27th in Barcelona.

However, The New Zealand Herald and Reuters reported on May 8th that Richards underwent brain surgery to relieve a blood clot on the brain. The operation normally involves drilling a hole through the skull to drain the clot. The British tabloid The Sun stated that Richards was 'near death' and may not recover in time for the European leg of the Rolling Stones A Bigger Bang tour. He was released from Ascot Hospital in Auckland, New Zealand, on May 8.

It was reported in Rolling Stone magazine online later on May 8th, the early dates of the European leg will be cancelled and rescheduled. Richards' representatives said his operation "was a complete success", although necessary to relieve headaches the musician was still complaining of since the original accident. The Rolling Stones' new itinerary will be announced shortly.

On May 10th, the New Zealand Herald and Reuters published a story naming an unidentified source, that Richards had undergone two operations, several days apart, and was still under observation for possible complications, which might include 'brain damage'. Additionally, several news sources in New Zealand and Australia reported Richards' two daughters flew from the United States to be with their mother and father while he recovered. Theodora and Alexandra Richards were seen entering Ascot Hospital in Auckland, but hospital representatives would not confirm Richards had been re-admitted to hospital after his May 8th release. These stories prompted an official press release by Rolling Stones' New York based publicist, Fran Curtis denying the original story, claiming Richards was improving as expected and rescheduled tour dates would be announced shortly.

On May 11th, Richards was officially discharged from Ascot Hospital in Auckland. A statement was released to the press where Richards publically thanked the hospital and its employees for their treatment. It was also announced Richards would stay in New Zealand for an undetermined period to continue treatment on an out patient basis. The nature of his condition, or the exact operation he had on May 8th, have not been publically released. It is expected the Rolling Stones will commence touring in June.

On May 13th and 14th, press reports circulated news of Richards and his family sightseeing and lunching in Auckland. The New Zealand Herald published an online article summarizing the two weeks of conflicting news reports about Richards' accident and condition. It stated he is awaiting the medical 'all-clear' to fly out of New Zealand. The Rolling Stones official web site has yet to announce any news on rescheduled European tour dates; although, tickets for the first two dates in Spain, still listed, cannot be purchased online.


Legend has it he walks among us even now.
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Hijo Favorito de Odin

Registrado: 01 Feb 2006
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Ubicación: Valhalla, Asgaard

MensajePublicado: Mar May 16, 2006 12:33 am    Título del mensaje: Responder citando

De una palmera, si como no...
He who dares, wins
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The Preacher

Registrado: 22 Jul 2005
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MensajePublicado: Mar May 16, 2006 6:16 pm    Título del mensaje: Responder citando

supuestamente el personaje esta basado en keith richards.....por eso iva a aktuar del viejo de jack......
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Rod F
Clockwork Orange

Registrado: 24 May 2003
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Ubicación: Montevideo, Uruguay

MensajePublicado: Mar May 16, 2006 6:30 pm    Título del mensaje: Responder citando

Ya q tamos con todos los 'trends' de foros.. no podia faltar este...

Edit: es cierto.. no se menciono explicitamente en quien estaba basado... pero creo q la alucion de nando fue suficiente excusa para meter esto
www.DiosNosLibre.com / http://rod-f.blogspot.com/

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Sucesor de Norris

Registrado: 21 Jul 2005
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Ubicación: Morro Morro Land, Silent Hill

MensajePublicado: Mar May 16, 2006 7:06 pm    Título del mensaje: Responder citando

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Ender el Genocida

Registrado: 05 Ago 2005
Mensajes: 3794
Ubicación: En una embarcacion oscura cerca de la costa con un rifle Sniper apuntando a la playa un 2 de Febrero

MensajePublicado: Mar May 16, 2006 10:56 pm    Título del mensaje: Responder citando

digalo con fotoshop:
-te entrego la cola?
-te regalo la cola?
-haceme una moña?
-estoy regalada?
-girl says: "w00taaaaaa" y tira de la bocina del tren?

My name is God, James God.
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The French Guy

Registrado: 28 Jul 2005
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Ubicación: A. Brocco, esq. L. Alonsoperez

MensajePublicado: Mie May 17, 2006 4:18 pm    Título del mensaje: Responder citando

Flor de orto? jajaja
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Sucesor de Norris

Registrado: 21 Jul 2005
Mensajes: 4552
Ubicación: Morro Morro Land, Silent Hill

MensajePublicado: Mie May 17, 2006 11:02 pm    Título del mensaje: Responder citando

LOL, el frances tiene un punto Very Happy
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The Preacher

Registrado: 22 Jul 2005
Mensajes: 2900

MensajePublicado: Mar May 23, 2006 4:40 pm    Título del mensaje: Responder citando

alguien k buske esta peli y la baje, y si enkuentra la segunda aprte mejor.

Battle Royale (live-action movie)

[ related to Battle Royale (manga) ]

Related anime:
Battle Royale II: Requiem (live-action movie) (sequel)
Battle Royale II: Blitz Royale (manga) (adaptation)

Alternative title:
バトル・ロワイアル (Japanese)
Age rating: Mature (May contain sex, drugs, and extreme graphic violence)
Genres: Adventure, Drama, Military, Science Fiction
Plot Summary: In the turn of the century, Japan's economy went to an all-time low. The unemployment rate skyrocketed and the country's youths boycotted school and rebelled against their elders. In response to the ensuing mayhem, the Japanese government passed a new law called the Millennium Educational Reform Act—infamously known as "The Battle Royale Act." This movie focuses on one high school class that is chosen to participate in the latest Battle Royale, where each student must survive and kill their classmates on a remote island for three days until only one is left standing.
Running time: 122 minutes
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Ender el Genocida

Registrado: 05 Ago 2005
Mensajes: 3794
Ubicación: En una embarcacion oscura cerca de la costa con un rifle Sniper apuntando a la playa un 2 de Febrero

MensajePublicado: Mie May 24, 2006 9:49 am    Título del mensaje: Responder citando

yo lo hare
My name is God, James God.
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Sucesor de Norris

Registrado: 21 Jul 2005
Mensajes: 4552
Ubicación: Morro Morro Land, Silent Hill

MensajePublicado: Sab Jun 03, 2006 2:00 pm    Título del mensaje: Responder citando


You may know me, Don Swan, comic book historian, collector, comic shop owner, defender of Courage and grade school teacher. Oh yeah and now: film maker.

It all started with the recent and overwhelming success of comic book favorites being adapted for the silver screen. The studios, Timely Studios in particular, seem to think that yesterday’s comic book is tomorrow’s box office gold – but some of us fans tend to disagree. So, when the fans objected to Timely Studios’ announcement of their latest movie “Codename: Courage,†they decided to hire me to direct a DVD extra for the eventual DVD release of the movie. What they don’t realize is that I am the undisputed #1 fan of “Commander Courage,†the original golden age (1940s) comic on which “Codename: Courage†is based. So, now it’s my turn to show you what I think, by setting my satirical sights on the industry that Hollywood is turning to for their latest blockbuster films…

Comic Book: The Movie was filmed LIVE on location at the renowned comic book convention,
Comic-con in San Diego. The film follows me, Donald Swan, and the fact that I have been hired to direct a documentary about my favorite comic book heroes of all time.

So, here I am – teacher, comic book historian, and self-proclaimed #1 fan of “Commander Courage.†I’m pretty sure that when Taylor Donohue (Rose), the studio’s marketing guru, and Anita Levine (Alan) from Timely Studios hired me for this documentary – they were hoping to buy my approval of “Codename: Courage.†But, we’ll see about that! So, Anita sent me, Taylor and a cameraman named Ricky (Harnell), to Comic-con to shoot our documentary. What Taylor doesn’t know is that I have my own agenda – one which includes Leo Matuzik (West) a previously unknown heir to the “Commander Courage†legacy. So, as you can imagine, Taylor’s world and mine are about to collide…

Oh – and, of course, I have to mention the crazy crew of characters we’ve pulled together to make this film into a reality – most of whom are award-winning voice over artists who use their extraordinary expertise in improvisation to bring their characters to life. Comic Book: The Movie also stars Donna D’Errico, Tom Kenny and Daran Norris and features guest appearances by Kevin Smith, Bruce Campbell, Hugh Hefner, Sid Ceasar, Jonathan Winters, Debby Derryberry, Ray Harryhausen, Bill Mumy and Matt Groening, with even more appearances by comic book luminaries Paul Dini, Peter David, Scott Shaw and Mark Evanier.


¿Que es esto y por qué yo no sabía nada al respecto??
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Ermitaño Con Calle

Registrado: 12 Ago 2005
Mensajes: 2496
Ubicación: Capitol City

MensajePublicado: Sab Jun 03, 2006 2:29 pm    Título del mensaje: Responder citando

Es un mockumentary.

Vi una parte el año pasado en la casa de un amigo, no es demasiado impresionante si estás medio familiarizado con el ambiente. Me refiero a la obvia cualidad nerd de Hamill quien ultimamente se mantiene haciendo voces para dibujos animados (entre ellos the Joker) y las opiniones más que compartidas de gente cómo Kevin Smith y Matt Groening, acerca de cómo Hollywood devora comics últimamente para rejurgitar blockbusters.

La convención de San Francisco (donde se lleva a cabo el film) es un Freak Show completo, pincipalmente por ser la capital mundial de los Trekkies.
"Le doy un mal nombre a muchas cosas."

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Ermitaño Con Calle

Registrado: 12 Ago 2005
Mensajes: 2496
Ubicación: Capitol City

MensajePublicado: Sab Jun 03, 2006 2:52 pm    Título del mensaje: Responder citando

"Gay Star Wars" or "Star Wars Episode IV: A Young Man's Search for His Sexual Identity" (1977)

What I find amazing is how "Star Wars" fans miss the entire point of the "Star Wars" series. It is clearly an allegorical tale of a young man coming to terms with his homosexuality. Here's the concept: Luke subconsciously realizes he's gay yet he cannot come to terms with his sexual orientation. He pretends to be heterosexual but, deep inside, he knows that he is not. He doesn't understand what he is. This crisis of personality is reflected in all the people and places in the "Star Wars" universe. His dual nature is even cosmically illustrated at the beginning of the series as Luke gazes at the twin suns of Tatooine. He has to choose between his two lives. One life is that of an acceptable sham, but his true life would be viewed by most as being "deviant" and morally un-acceptable. Luke is a very confused kid. If you think about it, you'll see that I'm right.

The Symbols

* Luke lives on a desert world. Most of the structures are round which is, clearly, female symbolism. The people of this world live in subterranean/womb-like dwellings. The dry planet is symbolic of an un-lubricated, un-aroused vagina. Try as Luke might, he cannot escape, i.e. arouse, that vagina. The locals (the straights) spend all their time drawing out the moisture. Luke is not at all interested in this activity. Instead, he longs to be with his exclusively male friends. He is particularly enamored with a swarthy, dark-haired, older man with a mustache and the phallic name of "Biggs". Luke fantasizes how happy he would be if he went to the all-male "academy" with Biggs. However, Luke's Uncle Owen stands in the way of this decision. Uncle Owen represents the anxiety that straight society has about the imagined lack of moral strength of the gay lifestyle. Unable to communicate their feelings in a constructive manner, Luke runs away.

* Luke surrounds himself with phallic symbols: light sabers, X-wings (take a look at the front of an X-wing, it's clearly the head of a penis), moisture vaperators, R2 Units, and blasters. Further more, C-3PO is cinema's first robotic "queen". C-3PO is Luke's first contact with an openly gay sentient. However, this is not the normal, loving relationship that Luke secretly desires from another male. The relationship between C-3PO and Luke is inherently sick and sadomasochistic in nature. Basically, Luke has nothing but disdain for the tittering, effeminate robot, and C-3PO's attitude toward Luke is submissive to the point of being dog-like. He lovingly and pathologically refers to Luke as his "master" and, in one of the most creepy moments of the entire series, Luke gives C-3PO an oil bath which the droid enjoys in disturbing, orgasmic bliss. Like wise, C-3PO's "counterpart", R2D2, is clearly the "butch" or "pitcher" in the relationship between the two inseparable robots. R2D2 is a butt plug-shaped droid and even has extra probes and appendages that he can extend and use to penetrate other mechanicals. Both droids have been hobbled by "restraining bolts" before being "sold" to Luke. Obviously, this is not the basis for a healthy relationship of mutual respect and love. The droids, although gay, belong to the fringe of gay culture and can't satisfy Luke's more mainstream, pent-up desires. Luke realizes that he will have to search further to find the answers to the questions that are plaguing him.

* As a lost runaway, Luke encounters "Old Ben" (a sailor) who once "knew" his father. He moves in with Ben then accepts his light saber (i.e. takes a penis) from this older, more experienced sexual mentor. Ben constantly implores Luke to stop worrying about appearances and to "trust his feelings", and to "let go"! "Let go, Luke" is clearly a reference to relaxing the muscles to allow anal penetration. "The Force" is a reference to the force one requires to achieve anal penetration. It's in the midst of Ben's seduction of Luke (teaching Luke the ways of "The Force"), just when he is starting to deal with his new feelings and beginning to understand a new, gay world, that stormtroopers arrive. The stormtroopers are clearly sperm. The sperm have penetrated the Death Star, which is symbolic of a woman's egg and represents an enormous challenge to Luke's emerging sense of identity. Just when everything seems to be getting clear to him, Luke is captured by the egg. He now needs Ben to release him from the egg's grip. This requires Ben to utilize "The Force" at which he is a legendary master. Before Luke can finally accept himself for who he is (a gay man), Ben dies. Though he only knew Ben for a short time, Ben's death is more traumatic than the horrific deaths of Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru, two people who raised him since childhood! The crisis is only temporarily resolved when Luke decides to destroy the egg himself. An indication that Luke may be dangerously disturbed is his psychotic episodes where he hears voices in his head saying things like, "Use The Force, Luke", and "Let go, Luke!", over and over, again. There now arises a concern that Luke may be falling victim to "The dark side of 'The Force'".

* To destroy the egg, Luke fights against and evades wedge-shaped Star Destroyers. The disparaging term "cunt" is related to the term "cuneate", a Latin word, which is defined as: "Wedge-shaped." Again, vaginal symbolism Luke attempts to rebel against. As a consequence, Luke sends his friend "Wedge" away. Luke has another straight friend, (with an appealing masturbatory name) Han Solo. Though he lusts after Han, he knows that they are walking two separate paths. Han doesn't understand Luke's lifestyle choice but still wishes that "The Force" be with Luke. Han clearly doesn't understand what "The Force" is about. Also, he is openly derisive of Old Ben but considers Luke to be like a younger brother, thus weaving much the same fantasy that Luke has employed to render Princess Leia "safe". Frustrated, Luke throws himself into the macho trappings of military life, something Han is reluctant to do. Luke quickly establishes himself as one of the most enthusiastic pilots by reminiscing about childhood exploits of killing "womp rats in Beggars Canyon". Obviously, Beggars Canyon is, again, vaginal imagery. However, the rats betray Luke's deep seated fear that vaginas have cooties. Although none of the pilots look forward to launching their torpedoes against the exhaust port or the "chute" of the Death Star, Luke can't wait to send his torpedo up the chute.

* Luke's sole female attraction is Leia. Unable to consummate a relationship with her, instead of admitting he's gay, Luke spins a fantasy that she's his sister, thereby absolving him of the need to confront his sexuality. Vader is Luke's unrealized sexuality personified. Obviously, Vader's helmet is styled after the head of a penis. Luke is constantly told Vader (homosexuality) is evil, yet in the back of his mind he can't help but realize there is some good in homosexuality. With Luke's first encounter with homosexuality (Vader), he discovers homosexuality "runs in the family, it is his destiny". It turns out that Vader also "knew" Old Ben when he was a sailor, too. Luke's right hand (his masturbation hand) is lopped off. His "safe" method of sexual release has been cut off. Vader (homosexuality) seems to have Luke cornered and intones, "Join me"! Luke now must make a choice. At this point, he cannot accept his homosexuality and plunges headlong into an air shaft (the chasm is vaginal symbolism, again). After Luke's first "encounter" with homosexuality, he is drawn to repeat the experience. Luke's vision in the tree (another phallic symbol) is a symbolic castration when he lops off the head of Vader (the tip of a penis). His final confrontation and acceptance of his homosexuality naturally takes place at the point of a phallic symbol (the Emperor's tower). And then there's the Ewoks and Jar-Jar Binks, we aren't even going to get into that.
"Le doy un mal nombre a muchas cosas."

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Sucesor de Norris

Registrado: 21 Jul 2005
Mensajes: 4552
Ubicación: Morro Morro Land, Silent Hill

MensajePublicado: Sab Jun 03, 2006 2:59 pm    Título del mensaje: Responder citando

sokoban escribió:
San Francisco (donde se lleva a cabo el film) es un Freak Show completo, pincipalmente por ser la capital mundial de los Trekkies.

y los gays

(MALISIMO el articulo de star wars ... cuando se rebusca algo demasiado, pierde la gracia)

Ultima edición por Cacho_LaGarza el Sab Jun 03, 2006 3:03 pm; editado 1 vez
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Ermitaño Con Calle

Registrado: 12 Ago 2005
Mensajes: 2496
Ubicación: Capitol City

MensajePublicado: Sab Jun 03, 2006 3:00 pm    Título del mensaje: Responder citando

Esta ni en pedo llega acá.

A Scanner Darkly
"Le doy un mal nombre a muchas cosas."

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